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Pennsylvania & Western Railroad
News Releases

(Click here for P&W RR Web News)

This page last modified on 3/31/00.

New news - 3/00

New site design is in testing
Posted By: Kavadril
The totally new look for the Pennsylvania & Western Railroad is uploaded to the server, and is currently in testing. The new look is not a replacement for the site you all know and love, it is just an alternative for those of you that like your pages a little prettier or flashier. The new site is designed for 1152x864 resolution, in 32-bit color. It will be functional at 1024x768, but it won't be as nice as it should be. The new site IS NOT VIEWABLE at 800x600. The menu selections will not all be viewable if your resolution is anything less than 1024x768. If you would like to see the new page, and you have your resolution and color set correctly, then click here.

New news - 2/00

Website has been updated!
Posted By: Kavadril
The website has recently been tweaked for better functionality. Also, a few cosmetic changes were implemented. More details here. If you like the design of this site, or even if you don't like it, prepare to be amazed. The NEW P&W RR Website should be up by the end of March (This version will still be available for those of you who like your pages simple.), and it is shaping up to be VERY impressive. Stay tuned.

Old news - 11/99

The Big Engine Visits the P&W
On November 15, the Pennsylvania & Western was honored to welcome a special visiting locomotive: the fabulous 6-4-4-6 S1. PRR management supplied the engine for a publicity photo (view picture) and to enhance the image of P&W passenger service. Alas, the run to the photo location revealed the well-known failings of the mighty S1: it is too large for the mountain curves, nearly too tall for the tunnels, and is much too long for the turntable in the P&W yards. After this brief visit, the Big Engine returned to its normal stomping ground: the Chicago to Crestline, Ohio racetrack.

Tragic Accident Claims Photographer
On November 15, the Pennsylvania & Western sadly lost one of its own. Company photographer Sam Shutterbug had completed his assigned publicity photos of the S1 locomotive when he decided to get one more picture. In his typical quest for the unusual, he enthusiatically prepared for an action shot of the mighty S1 at speed. Noone is sure exactly what happened, but poor Sam and his camera were smashed. All that was left was this image, recently developed from the camera (Sam's last photo).

Old News - 3/99

Track Plan Published, Publicity Photos Taken
In a shameless attempt to attract business, the Pennsylvania & Western Railroad published their track plan and an extensive series of publicity photos on March 12, 1999. The track plan may be seen in the Layout Design area of this site, and the photos are in the (duh!) Photos area. Public reaction has been mixed. The investment community is very excited about progress to date on the railroad, given that it only "broke ground" in October, 1996. OSHA is less than enthused about several potential safety violations, especially the bentless trestle and the hanging bridges. Railroad management promises to address these concerns "eventually".

Pennsylvania & Western Mainline Completed
On Wednesday, March 3, 1999 the mainline route of the Pennsylvania & Western Railroad was completed, and an inspection train made the run from East Staging to West Staging and return. Since then, traffic has been light, and a few mishaps have occurred. Management is satisfied with the track conditions and has given the go-ahead to proceed with construction of the towns at Annville and Lebanon, and with the electrification of Summit and West Staging. A formal "golden spike" ceremony is planned for the Spring when the weather has improved in order to make it more comfortable for visiting dignitaries.

Passengers Lodge Grievances
On Thursday, March 4, 1999 a letter of complaint was sent on behalf of all P&WRR passengers to railroad management. Spokesman Ira Bigbutt said that the passengers on the first trains to traverse the mainline were disappointed to find that the trains just made one long, continuous run and wound up returning to their starting point without stopping! There was a passenger track at Annville (no platform or station yet), however the train did not stop there. One passenger was said to notice that the turnouts to the passenger track had been spiked for the mainline route! The situation at Lebanon was reported to be even worse. All tracks except the mainline looked like loose sections just lying on the ground. Mr. Bigbutt said this was not the kind of service one expects on a first-class railroad like the P&W, and that unless something was done, ridership surely would suffer.