Here is a schematic diagram of the railroad showing the routes of three coal trains:
PS-21 which is a loaded coal train from the mines on the Petersburg Branch (in East
Staging) to the coal marshalling yard at Shire Oaks (West Staging), SA-44 (The Coal
Peddler), which is a loaded coal train from Shire Oaks Yard (in West Staging) to
Annville Yard and finally train AP-30 which is a train of empty hoppers from Annville
Yard to the mines on the Peterburg Branch (East Staging).
Here is westbound train PS-21, which is one of the first to run in the op session. It is assumed
that the Petersburg Branch is hilly, thus PS-21 rates doubleheaded class L1s Mikados. The
doubleheaded locomotives are also handy for climbing the 3.5% grade from West Valley to AE Tower
on the P&W. The lead locomotive will be cut off at Annville Yard for servicing (work for the
Hostler) while the train continues on to Shire Oaks.
Later in the session, eastbound train SA-44 runs from Shire Oaks to Annville. Here is
SA-44 arriving at Summit. Note that physically this is the same consist as train PS-21.
The SA-44 train crew is contemplating the switching moves needed to deliver a load and
pickup the empty from Summit Coal. You can see step-by-step how this is done by following
the "Switchback Operation in Summit" link on the main Operation page.
In this photo (from a different op session with a different train crew), SA-44 has
left most of its consist on the Main in Lebanon while the locomotive switches
Lebanon Lumber & Coal.
After Lebanon Lumber & Coal is switched, SA-44 has cars for the Annville Power & Light Co.
Upon Arrival in Annville Yard, the power from SA-44 is cut off and run to the
service area for coal and water. The Hostler has retrieved a second L1s 2-8-2
from the roundhouse and has spotted it on the ready track (with tender backup light on).
After adding coal and water, the two L1s locomotives are coupled together as power
for train AP-30 which will return empty hoppers to the Petersburg Branch late in the op
Here is AP-30 descending Horseshoe Curve on the way to the Petersburg Branch. Once
some loads are dropped into the hoppers between sessions, this consist will be ready to
run as train PS-21 again at the start of the next operating session.
As mentioned earlier, my overall traffic plan is to run several through trains at the
beginning of the session, the locals in the middle of the session and a mix of trains at
the end. The first 7 trains (3 freight, 2 coal and 2 passenger) have car swaps at Annville
Yard but no other switching (with the exception of a local passenger train which does some
work at West Valley and Summit). All over-the-road operators are thus busy at the start, as
are the Annville Yard crews, but there is nothing to plug up the Mainline. Note that the
mid-session local trains do not traverse the entire mainline. At most, they have one other
train to dodge in the process of getting work done.
In this photo taken early in a session, westbound train PC-5 waits on the Passing Siding
in Lebanon while eastbound train CWM-28 enters town on the Main. In the background, westbound
local passenger train 53 is entering the tunnel approaching AE Tower.
Another early session photo shows westbound train EC-11 passing LW Tower at the west end
of Lebanon. This train required a snapper (Pennsy-speak for helper locomotive) on the 3.5%
grade from West Valley to AE Tower (grade in the middle of the photo). The 2-10-0 snapper
locomotive was cut off at Annville Yard and can be seen running in reverse at the top of the
grade on its return to the snapper pocket in the town of East Valley.
Here is a mid-session photo showing the crew of westbound local freight train AS-37
switching the Lebanon Team Track. This train departs Annville Yard, switches the
Team Track, Quality Meat Packers, Lebanon Lumber & Coal and the Lebanon Freight House.
The train then continues to Summit where it switches two team tracks, the A&P Warehouse and
Summit Oil Co. Finally, it reverses direction (becoming eastbound train AS-38) and returns
to Annville Yard.
While the AS-37 crew works in Lebanon, the crew of coal train SA-44 is busy switching
Summit. Here the Engineer is spotting a coal hopper while the Conductor prepares to
operate one of the remote uncouplers from the Summit control panel on the layout fascia.
After their work is completed, the Dispatcher will allow SA-44 to run from Summit to the
Lebanon West Approach Signal. This signal will have been set to a "stop" indication by
the AS-37 crew while they work Lebanon. When AS-37's work is complete and they have the
train in the clear, they will set the approach signal to "clear" which will allow SA-44 to
enter Lebanon. The Dispatcher will then clear AS-37 to run to Summit and work. This
situation can also be reversed. If AS-37 finishes its work first, it may be allowed to
run to the Summit East Approach Signal until SA-44 is finished and in the clear. It is
up to the Dispatcher to manage the movement of these trains so that the crews are delayed
the least.
This view of the WMA-41 crew at work shows how locals tie up all tracks in a town
while they work. Model railroads are notoriously short on track capacity, and the
P&W is no exception! A train schedule requiring several mainline trains to pass by
while a local works is pretty well doomed to failure. Either the mainline trains
will be held up or the local won't have time to do their work, or both.
Here is the crew of late-session local train AF-44 discussing how they will switch the
Altoona Brewing Co. in the town of Franklin. This challenging job involves switching
a facing point reefer cooling track, a facing point reefer loading track, a facing
point grain track and a trailing point team track, all in a very confined space. After work
is complete, the train must also reverse direction for its return to Annville Yard. The
"switching puzzle" track plan in the town of Franklin was purposely located on the branch line,
and AF-44 is intentionally scheduled late in the session and after all other branch traffic
has run. Because of this scheuduling, it doesn't really matter how long the AF-44 crew takes to
complete their switching moves.
This late-session photo shows train ARD-31 switching the Reading Interchange Track in
Lebanon (foreground) and train ES-37 (The Mine Run) switching Furnace Hill Mine (background).
ARD-31 originated in Annville and will switch the Reading Interchange track, Leighsom Pipe Co.
inbound and outbound tracks and the fuel oil company in Lebanon prior to returning to
Annville Yard. Train ES-37 came out of Enola Yard staging headed westbound and ran through
to Summit. It will pull loads from the mine and spot empty hoppers in their place (using the
Summit passing siding as a base). When its work is complete, it will continue westbound
to Shire Oaks Yard staging.
Finally, this late-session photo shows eastbound train CE-12 stopped at the Annville
West Approach Signal. This train came out of Conway Yard staging, will pick up some
cars at Annville Yard (those cars came off the mid-session locals) and will set out some
cars for "tomorrow." At the right, you can see a tank car set out on the oil track by
ARD-31 and a boxcar at the head of the interchange cut set out by ARD-31 on the Reading
Interchange track. Since this photo was taken, PRR trainphone antennas have been added
to the roof of this locomotive. Nose lift rings have also been added.