Summit is the first of 5 towns switched by the coal peddler (train SA-44).
Complicating matters is the fact that the Summit Coal Co. is located on a
switchback. Here is the track arrangement at the East end of Summit.
To reach the hopper, a locomotive must enter the Team Track, then "switch back"
to the hopper. This is more complex (and more fun to operate) than a simple spur.
Here SA-44 has arrived and the locomotive (class L1s 2-8-2 #843)
has uncoupled from its train of loaded hoppers and is entering the
siding to pick up the hopper. Problem is, a boxcar is spotted on
Team Track 1 and is in the way.
The locomotive pulls the boxcar out of the way...
... and spots it on the passing siding for now.
Next, the locomotive proceeds into Team Track 1...
...and prepares to switch back to the hopper. Note the backup
light on the tender is "on."
The locomotive couples to the empty hopper...
...pulls it into the Team Track...
and backs it out of the siding.
The empty hopper is coupled to the first loaded hopper in the train...
...pulls it into the siding...
...and prepares to switch back. Note that the tail track of the
switchback can only hold the locomotive and 2 cars.
The loaded hopper gets spotted.
The locomotive and empty hopper then pull forward...
...and back out of the siding.
Now, the boxcar needs to be replaced on Team Track 1. It's a
good thing we spotted it on the passing siding in front of us
so we wouldn't forget it!
The boxcar gets pushed up the siding...
...and spotted back on Team Track 1. The locomotive then
backs onto its train, couples up and pumps up the air.
Train SA-44 waits on the passing siding for the tower operator to
give permission to leave town. The switchback provided a lot of
interesting switching moves even though we only picked up and set out
one car.